
Push Back Racking

Push Back Racking Solution that make a difference

Push back racking is a type of storage system commonly used in warehouses and distribution centres to maximise space and efficiency. Unlike traditional pallet racking, push back racking allows for high-density storage by using a system where pallets are loaded onto nested carts that move along inclined rails.

Here’s how it works:

How Push Back Racking Works

 1. Loading:

  • The first pallet is loaded onto a cart.
  • When the next pallet is loaded, it pushes the first pallet back, allowing the second pallet to rest on the next cart or directly on the rails.
  • This process repeats until the lane is full, with each pallet pushing the previous one further back.

2. Unloading:

When a pallet is removed, the remaining pallets automatically move forward to the front position due to gravity, making the next pallet ready for picking.

Key Features

LIFO System (Last-In, First-Out):

This means the last pallet loaded is the first one to be unloaded. This system is suitable for products that are not time-sensitive.

High Density Storage:

Push back racking allows for multiple pallets to be stored in a single lane, maximising floor space and vertical space.

Flexible Storage:

The system can accommodate different pallet sizes and weights, making it versatile for various types of products.

Reduced Handling Time:

Since pallets are stored and retrieved from the same aisle, it reduces the time and labour needed for material handling.


Space Efficiency: Maximizes the use of available space by reducing the number of aisles needed.

Increased Selectivity: While it offers high-density storage, it still provides more selectivity compared to drive-in racking systems.

Improved Productivity: By reducing the travel time for forklifts and simplifying the loading/unloading process, overall warehouse productivity is enhanced.

Safety: The design of the system minimises the risk of accidents, as forklifts only need to enter the front aisle.


Push back racking is ideal for industries and operations where inventory turnover is relatively high, and space optimisation is critical. It’s commonly used in:

Retail distribution centres

Food and beverage storage

Cold storage facilities

General warehousing

Push back racking is an effective solution for high-density storage needs, offering a balance between storage capacity and selectivity. Its design facilitates efficient use of space and improves warehouse operations by simplifying the storage and retrieval processes.

High-Density Storage, Increasing Capacity by 60-90% Compared to Selective Racking

High-density storage solutions, such as pallet flow or push-back racking systems, significantly enhance the storage capacity of a warehouse. These systems are designed to store pallets in a compact manner, utilising the full depth of the storage area. Compared to selective racking, which typically allows for a single pallet per position, high-density storage can store multiple pallets deep. This increased density translates to a 60-90% improvement in capacity, enabling warehouses to store a larger volume of goods within the same footprint. This is particularly advantageous for businesses dealing with large inventories or those looking to maximise their storage space without expanding their physical facility.

Efficient Use of Space with Single-Aisle Access

High-density storage systems often require fewer aisles than conventional selective racking. By consolidating storage into fewer aisles, these systems make more efficient use of available space. Single-aisle access means that forklifts and other material handling equipment only need to navigate one aisle to retrieve or store pallets. This layout reduces the amount of space dedicated to aisles, increasing the proportion of the warehouse used for actual storage. The streamlined design not only maximises storage density but also simplifies warehouse navigation and operations.

Improved Selectivity Over Drive-In Racking, Allowing Access to Multiple SKUs per Lane

While drive-in racking is effective for storing large quantities of a single SKU, it falls short in terms of selectivity. High-density storage systems, such as push-back or pallet flow racking, offer better selectivity by allowing access to multiple SKUs per lane. This means that warehouses can store different products within the same system, enhancing inventory management flexibility. Improved selectivity ensures that specific products can be easily retrieved without the need to move other items, which is particularly beneficial for operations requiring frequent access to various SKUs.

Reduced Travel Time for Forklifts by Operating Only at the Aisle Face

In high-density storage systems, forklifts operate primarily at the aisle face, reducing the need to travel deep into the racking structure. This setup minimises the distance that forklifts must travel to pick or place pallets, leading to faster and more efficient material handling. Reduced travel time not only speeds up the overall workflow but also lowers fuel consumption and wear and tear on the equipment. This operational efficiency is crucial for high-velocity warehouses where quick turnaround times are essential.

Lower Risk of Racking Damage Since Forklifts Don't Enter the Racking

A significant advantage of high-density storage systems is the reduced risk of racking damage. In systems like push-back or pallet flow racking, forklifts do not enter the racking structure to place or retrieve pallets. Instead, they operate from the aisle face, pushing pallets into the system or retrieving them as they flow to the front. This reduces the likelihood of collisions and damage to the racking, which can occur when forklifts navigate within the racking structure, as seen with drive-in systems. Lower risk of damage translates to decreased maintenance costs and improved safety within the warehouse.

Overall, high-density storage systems offer a range of benefits that enhance the efficiency, capacity, and safety of warehouse operations. By maximizing space utilisation, improving selectivity, reducing travel time, and minimising racking damage, these systems provide a robust solution for modern warehousing needs.

Case Study: Bulk Storage Solution

The Customer's Request

A leading provider of sustainable packaging solutions and rigid plastic containers approached us with a need for an efficient bulk storage system to hold pallets of flat-packed cardboard boxes. As a company committed to sustainability and operational excellence, they required a solution that would maximise their available space while ensuring easy access to their inventory.

The Problem and Challenges

Our clients primary challenge was to find a storage system that could accommodate a large volume of palletised goods within a limited floor area. Their existing storage methods were not optimised for space utilisation, leading to inefficiencies and potential bottlenecks in their operations. Additionally, they needed a solution that would allow for easy retrieval and replenishment of their inventory, ensuring smooth workflow and minimising downtime.

The Solution: Push Back Racking

After carefully assessing the clients’ requirements, we recommended the implementation of a Push Back Racking system. This innovative storage solution is designed to hold a significant number of pallets in a compact footprint, making it an ideal choice for businesses with space constraints.

Push Back Racking works by allowing pallets to be loaded and unloaded from the same aisle, with each pallet being pushed back to make room for the next one. This system maximises the available vertical space while minimising the required aisle width, resulting in a highly efficient use of the available floor area.

Maximising Space and Increasing Capacity

The Push Back Racking system installed occupied a floor area of only 100 square meters, yet it provided an impressive storage capacity of 300 pallet positions. This remarkable space utilisation allowed Pact Group to significantly increase their inventory holding capacity without the need for additional floor space or costly expansions.

A Returning Customer's Trust

The client was a returning customer, having previously been employed as a manager at a different company. Their positive experience and trust in our expertise played a crucial role in their decision to collaborate with us once again for this project.


By implementing the Push Back Racking system, our client successfully addressed their storage challenges and maximised their available space. The efficient storage solution not only increased their inventory holding capacity but also streamlined their operations, ensuring smooth workflow and minimising potential holdups. This project exemplifies our commitment to providing tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of our clients while promoting sustainability and operational excellence.