
In order for your growing warehouse to remain a profitable operation, you must ensure that your capability of storing and processing stock runs efficiently. Poorly organised systems in place to take in your inventory, stockpile it, and then prepare it for release will only bring future disruptions liable to impede your productivity.

The solution? Investing in reliable racking systems.


pallet racking


If you introduce the right pallet racking system into your warehouse, all tasks revolving around organisation and logistics will be streamlined and made much easier. Trying to integrate pallet racking that does not fit around your particular situation, however, can make everything exponentially harder. To ensure you are investing in a better future for you warehouse, Erect-A-Rack have compiled everything you could ever need to know about cantilever racking system.

Know the Structure

The primary use of a pallet racking system is to act as both a storage and organisational tool for businesses to utilise until their goods are ready for shipping. Their structures are made from upright, steel posts, cross braces and horizontal beams. These frames then create a bay, in which pallets can rest upon. Two methods exists for connecting the beams and frames: one way is by bolting every component to the frame, and the other is by opting for an interlocking system using a slotted connection to secure each piece.

Know Your Demands

Warehouses must also choose systems that are designed for either high-density loads, which can support more inventory but limit access, or low-density loads, which won’t hold as much, but promote greater access. Do your operations require a high turnover of inventory, demanding a need to gather inventory more frequently? Are you holding items in wait of a release date? Consider the floorplan of your warehouse, and how your space will accommodate sizeable pallet racking systems in relation to how you will use them. Better to do this now than after installation.

Know the Rules

The average height of a pallet racking system is approximately 7.5 metres, however if you plan to go beyond, you will need to account for the extra size by adding to the pallet’s width in order for adequate space between upright posts for to support pallets. In addition, a manoeuvre rule exists in which you must allow 15cm between top of your pallet load and the base of the next beam, as damage can otherwise be inflicted upon the items stored during racking or removal.

Consult Those in the Know

What is mentioned above is only the beginning to the world of warehouse racking system. Thanks to wonderful innovations in the industry, a variety of specialised systems has made work for warehouses across the world easier than ever. Whether you need cantilever rack systems, bigger storage bays, gravity-fed or drive-racking setups, it is always best to consult the professionals to help tailor you the perfect pallet racking system to suit your operations. The team at Erect-A-Rack can help you there. Review our range today or contact us for a free quote.