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What are Selective Pallet Racking Systems?

Selective Pallet Racking

What is Selective Pallet Racking and how can you use it in your warehouse?

Selective pallet racking is a material handling storage aid system that provides efficient use of storage space for palletised loads. It is the most common pallet racking system in use today.

Pallet racking allows the storage of materials in horizontal rows with multiple levels.

Erect-A-Rack carries a wide range of selective pallet racking components and can design a selective racking system to tailor fit your specific space and budgetary requirements.

Our selective racking systems are compatible with all types and sizes of pallets (or skids) and may be used with any type of handling system.

Erect-A-Rack recommends selective pallet racking for clients looking to implement an inexpensive storage system with a high throughput rate and FIFO inventory management for many SKUs and low pallet quantities.

(If you need to accommodate trucks, please see the Erect-A-Rack selective pallet racking truck specifications outlined below.)


  • Low volumes (up to 3000 pallets)
  • Large range of Stock Keeping Units (SKU)
  • Low land cost
  • Direct access to every pallet in storage
  • Multiple access (more than one truck in same aisle)

Selective Pallet Racking Benefits.

Selective pallet racking is very popular – it is one of Erect-A-Rack’s top selling storage solutions. In deciding whether it’s the right storage solution for you, you’ll need to consider some of the following factors:

Your desired storage density

The amount of floor space and your building height

The placement of your building doors and columns

Inventory accessibility requirements

Inventory rotation requirements

Item/load size and weight

Optimal storage design

Cost of materials and installation

Selective Pallet Racking Advantages & Disadvantages

No special trucks requiredLarge land area required
Low cost racks and trucksHigh storage cost when volumes are medium and above
High throughput ratesLimited storage height (12m)
FIFO inventory managementMedium to wide aisles required for handling
Floor level is not critical (front loaded)

Selective Pallet Racking Benefits

(Cubic capacity is based on pallet height and available clear storage height). Whilst Rack and Truck costs are lowest, storage unit cost is highest when building, racks and trucks are taken into consideration. Talk to one of the expert teams at Erect-A-Rack to learn more about selective pallet racking solutions or click on the button below to get a fast quote.


Aisle widthsStorage AreaOperating aisle areaLift heightThrough-put rate
2.8 to 3.2m45%55%up to 10.5m16 – 20 pallets per hour(pph)


Aisle widthsStorage AreaOperating aisle areaThrough-put rateLift height
3.8 to 5.5m35%65%20 – 24 pphup to 8m